Our Services


Monday to Friday from 7:30 to 9:00am.
We are open to children from Stillness Infants, Stillness Junior, Dalmain Primary and St. William of York schools.

If you would like your child to attend our breakfast club then please complete and return the Breakfast Club Application form to Acorn.


Monday to Friday from 2pm – 6pm during term times.

We offer children supervised play opportunities in a safe, supportive and friendly environment. We are open to children from Stillness Infants, Stillness Junior, Dalmain and St William of York School.

We currently have places available. Contact us for more details.


Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm for 4-11 year-olds.

The holiday play scheme provides the same facilities and activities as you would expect to find from the After School Club. Placements cost £25 per day or £125 per week with tea/supper provided for all children attending.

Please remember to make sure your child also brings a packed lunch.

Activities the children can look forward to include: arts and crafts, drama, group play activities, day trips out to parks, museums or the cinema – and much more.

Please see the Calendar page for more details.

Please see here if you would like to join

We currently have places available. Contact us for more details.


Monday 9am until 11:30am during school term times only.

Acorn Stay and Play Group offers a warm welcome to local parents, carers and their children. Our aim is to give your children the opportunity to play in a safe, stimulating environment while you can relax. We have a wide and varied choice of toys and equipment along with creative tables.

Costs are £3 per adult.