Special Educational Needs Policy

Acorn Children’s Club is aware that some children have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities that require particular support and assistance. We are committed to taking action to make sure that all children are able to access our services, made to feel welcome and that our activities promote their welfare and development.

The Club is committed to the inclusion of all children in its care. The Club also believes that children with SEN and/or disabilities have the right to play, learn and be able to develop to their full potential alongside other children. Whenever possible, children with SEN and/or disabilities will have access to the same facilities, activities and play opportunities as their peers. Everybody stands to gain if all children are allowed to share the same opportunities.

The policies, procedures and practises of the Club in relation to children with SEN and/or disabilities are consistent with current legislation and guidance. These include the SEN and Disability Act 2001,Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)2005 and the Equality Act 2010.

The Club believes that by identifying individual needs and taking proactive steps alongside parents/carers and other statutory professionals or agencies, all children should be able to play a full, active and equal part in the Club’ activities.

SEN Co-ordinator
The Manager will appoint a member of staff as the SEN Co-ordinator to manage provision for children with SEN and/or disabilities. This individual will be fully trained and experienced in the care of such children.

Before any child with SEN and/or disabilities starts at the club the SEN Co-ordinator will meet with the parent/carer to discuss the specific needs of the child, determine what adjustments would need to be made to meet those needs, and whether these are “reasonable” under the requirements of the DDA 2005

All members of staff will be expected to assist the SEN Co-ordinator in supporting children with SEN and/or disabilities.

The SEN Co-ordinator’s responsibilities will include:

  1. Working alongside the Co-ordinator to ensure all staff are aware of all legislation, regulations and other guidance on working with children with SEN and/or
  2. Working alongside the Co-ordinator to ensure that all staff working with children with SEN and/or disabilities have appropriate skills and training.
  3. Co-ordinating regular monitoring and reviews of children’s progress, involving parents/carers, other staff members, relevant representatives from statutory agencies, and if appropriate, the child themselves. Alongside the Co-ordinator, they will also be responsible for ensuring that any actions following such reviews are followed through.
  4. Assessing each child’s specific needs and adapting or adjusting the Club’s facilities, procedures, practises and activities as appropriate.
  5. Where appropriate drawing up individual care or health plans in liaison with parents/ carers and other agencies where appropriate.
  6. Ensuring that systems are in place to adequately plan, implement, monitor, review and evaluate the SEN policy.
  7. Ensuring that children with SEN and/or disabilities are fully considered when activities are being planned and prepared.
  8. Liaising with parents/carers about the needs of their children and the plans and actions of the Club, as well as being the point of contact for parents/carers. Before??
  9. Liaising with other agencies and seeking advice, support and training for themselves and other staff as
  10. Supporting other members of staff to become more skilled and experienced in the care of children with SEN and/or
  11. Ensuring that all children are treated with equal concern and respect and are encouraged to take part in all activities.
  12. Ensuring that accurate observations and assessments of children’s progress are regularly made and properly recorded.